Reasons why you should join a trade organisation

It's long been an issue for many PR professionals. What is the point of joining a trade association?

Well, PRmoment asked the PRCA this very question and they came up with the follow reasons why it benefits both agencies and in-house PR departments to be a member.

Eight reasons why your PR Consultancy should join a trade association:

You will increase your new business opportunities.
2. By attaining their Consultancy Management Standard (CMS), you will become a more efficient, better run business.
3. As CMS is the PR industry gold standard, your agency will stand out from the crowd.
4. Through our extensive training and qualifications programme, you can make the most of the talent you recruit.
5. Members benefit from over 50 networking events annually.
6. You will be provided with the latest market intelligence and industry insight.
7. You will have access to discounted industry services and a free business helpline, as well as to lifestyle brands at preferential rates.
8. You can receive PR management consultancy advice from industry experts at a discounted rate.

If you are a PR agency and would like more information on why you should join the PRCA, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

In-house membership

We also asked the PRCA why they believe they are relevant for in house PR practicioners. In house PR teams from businesses of all sizes, including McDonald's, Ebay, Procter & Gamble, Freemantle, Nationwide, TUI Thomson and Visa, to name just a few are members of the PRCA.
9 reasons why your in-house communications team should join a PR trade association:
1. Numerous opportunities for senior personnel to enhance their personal and organisational profile via leadership panels, master class delivery and our awards.
2. It will give you access to the latest market intelligence through our trends barometer.
3. It will give you the tools to demonstrate the value of communications activities to the business.
4. The PRCA will give you access to the best industry services at competitive rates and bespoke supplier discounts.
5. A range of lifestyle services and products for individuals at preferential rates (only available on request, or accessed through the member area).
6. Benchmarking against similar organisations' activities, be that delivery, income generated, cost of staff, events etc. Useful for planning and demonstrating to other business what your company is delivering.
7. Networking events for both senior and junior staff. We hold regular events so that leaders in the industry get together, share ideas and best practice, and make connections; generally and by sector.
8. A base in London's Mayfair, through our partnership agreement with the English Speaking Union.
9. Commitment to best practice through our codes of conduct.

Here are a couple of testimonials from current members of the PRCA:

“The PRCA offers members a huge amount, providing them with tools to make them more profitable, creating networking opportunities and representing their interests with clients, government and the press.”
David Gallagher – Ketchum Pleon

“PRCA membership has given the personal touch for us, it is inclusive and thoughtful in its approach and offers good training options.”
Maxine Taylor – Nationwide

To see some more debate about whether it's worth PR professionals joining a trade association, a few months back we held a web chat on this very subject.

If this has tempted you and you would like further information on the benefits and costs of joining a PR trade association like the PRCA, please fill out the form below. Our promise to you: has partnered with the PRCA to give our readers access to a first class PR trade body. If you join the PRCA through, we promise it will not cost you any more of your hard earned cash. But it will help support this site.

About PRmoment Partner Zones: This is a promotional feature that we are running in partnership with the PRCA.

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