Xbox just nudges ahead of Playstation and Wii when it comes to the amount of online coverage these electronic games giants generate

TV ad breaks are a nightmare for parents at this time of year, as children clamour for more each time an enticing new toy tempts them. Electronic games and consoles are not the cheapest option, and it is particularly hard to miss their advertising. But how much editorial are they generating? PRmoment commissioned research to see how much coverage the leading console brands, Wii, Playstation and Xbox are getting online, and which of their games are creating the most column inches.


Research supplied by Echo Sonar
Playstation and Wii both had a share of voice of over 30 per cent, while Xbox just nudged ahead with a share of voice of just over 38 per cent. It has a lot to offer, according to a review at Times Online on 2 November: “Microsoft is making its boldest bid yet to reposition the Xbox 360 as a complete home entertainment hub. Traditionally seen as the system for hardcore gamers, the Xbox has gained new video and communications functionality that includes Facebook, Twitter and, most impressively Sky TV.”
Modern Warfare 2 is the game mentioned the most in connection with all three console brands, in particular for Xbox and Wii. The next most mentioned game is Assassin’s Creed 2, which is not available to play on a Wii. Looking at reviews of Modern Warfare 2, it is easy to see why it has caused such a stir. For example, Charlie Brooker at on 9 November, describes it thus: “The visuals, the soundtrack, the level design, the game mechanics … they're all second to none, and they work together to create something that's not so much a videogame as a borderline nightmare experience. The phrase ‘an assault on the senses’ doesn't come close: it's thrilling, immersive, sometimes scary, always exciting, and occasionally downright overwhelming.”
Research supplied by Echo Sonar
Not all parents will be paying out for consoles and games this Christmas. According to the Toy Retailers Association (TRA), many consumers are reverting back to heritage brands. Each year the TRA compiles a list of “dream toys” and this year’s list only contains toys that cost under £50. The list is topped by the Bakugan Battle Pack (these toys are a spin-off from a Japanese animated TV series), but it is interesting to see that more traditional brands such as Lego and Monopoly make the list too. Gary Grant, TRA chairman, says: “This year’s list also reveals a trend towards nostalgic characters and brands which have been updated with a modern twist.”

PRmoment asked Echo Sonar to analyse all UK media coverage of games consoles Playstation, Wii and Xbox. The research period was from 15 October to 30 November. 

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