The impact of video revealed

If you are creating video advertising it is important to appreciate your audience and how likely they are to respond to your messages. First, it is worth knowing that millennials are the most receptive audience and that to-the-point messages are most likely to be persuasive. Investing in celebrities could be money wasted. These are the findings of research carried out by video production company Groundbreak Productions.

Of the 1,000 consumers surveyed, 42% said they liked straightforward video advertising whilst 22% would be more likely to make a purchase after watching an informative video. More than 30% of consumers like video adverts that tell a story, with 29% favouring those that make them feel nostalgic  ­­­– 12% said that they would potentially buy a product or service after watching one of these adverts. However, only 8% of consumers like video adverts featuring one of their favourite celebrities and only 3% are likely to be influenced to make a purchase after seeing one of these videos.

Geoff Brooks, CEO at Groundbreak Productions says: “This highlights that brands need to be looking more at what their target consumers actually want, instead of bombarding them with irrelevant content that could actually be detrimental to the brand.”

Brooks adds that it is important for marketers and PR professionals to create the sort of sharp and to-the-point content that consumers are more likely to respond to.

The rise in online media means traditional media struggles to reach consumers, but it is no use thinking video is the solution if you do not use it well. Brooks says: “With print advertising and readership in decline, marketing and PR professionals need to come up with new ways to engage with audiences. But what we’re seeing now is an overcorrection, and consumers are being overloaded with digital content on platforms they are not used to finding it on.”

The answer is to focus concludes Brooks. “For a consumer audience still adapting to this type of media it can be overwhelming to be confronted with all this content. PR and marketing firms should take a lot of positives from the current market direction, but they also need to start paying more attention to the kind of content, and platforms, they use and adapt their approach accordingly.”

Further information

For the full report go to

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