Research into online video watching habits

Online videos are watched by over three-quarters of 15 to 64 year olds each week (78 per cent), and 46 per cent watch brand-related videos. According to findings of a recent report into video consumption, the Social Video Report, the most popular content concerns personal interests and hobbies, followed by news and music.

If your key audience has a special interest, video is a key way to reach it. For example, nearly half of sports fans (46 per cent) watch sports videos, over half of tech owners watch tech videos (52 per cent) and nearly half of gamers watch gaming videos (48 per cent).

The way to capture your audience’s attention is to make sure content is entertaining or genuinely informative. If you succeed in capturing a person’s imagination, then this is likely to lead to them wanting more. After watching brand-related videos, 79 per cent watch related videos on YouTube, and over half (54 per cent) go to the brand’s website.

Behaviour immediately after watching brand-related video  

Source: Social Video Report, Visibility IQ

The research, published by digital agency Visibility IQ in conjunction with IDM (Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing), claims that businesses can more than double their search-engine traffic and dramatically increase brand engagement and purchase consideration through online videos. Russell Hart, Visibility IQ’s CEO, says that as online videos with a brand-related aspect such as a product review, informational guide, a TV commercial or a viral, are watched by nearly half of 15 to 64 year olds each week, video is a perfect way for brands and businesses to access and communicate with hard-to-reach (and therefore expensive) target markets.

Hart adds: “The report highlights the popularity of product review videos which Visibility IQ has found are watched by 36 per cent of 15 to 64 year olds each week. Given that nine in 10 people who watch are motivated to do so by purchase consideration and one in four do so after purchase for user guide information, it’s clear that this is a powerful way to influence brand affinity and potentially enhance revenues.”

Most popular video categories viewed weekly

Source: Social Video Report, Visibility IQ

The same principles apply in business-to-business context says Hart: “Think thought leadership in a specialist area whether it is new financial products, technological innovation or legislative change.”

Hart believes that text as the primary mode of communication with target market customers, business associates and stakeholders will decline very soon. He explains: “Business, like politics before it, is taking the video stage. Video communication can deliver messages far more effectively by adding emotion and character, naturally imbuing the content with more meaning and authority. This also means more accurate communication with potentially less scope for misunderstanding. The implication is a far greater requirement for charismatic communicators with excellent presentational skills. Much of politics is already played out on a visual stage and those political parties with the most charismatic leaders enjoy the greatest advantage – a good indicator of where corporate communications is probably headed.” 


These findings are drawn from the Social Video Report conducted by specialist media and entertainment research company Entertainment Media Research for digital agency Visibility IQ. The research was a comprehensive audit of usage, attitudes and preferences of online video consumers in the UK. The findings are based on an online survey of 2,680 UK internet users, respondents participated in the research via online email invitations. The fieldwork was conducted from July to September 2012. To get a free copy of the report go to

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