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Today we’re chatting to Shayoni Lynn, chief executive officer at Lynn Group about We chat to Shayoni Lynn, chief executive officer at Lynn Group about the application of behavioural science in PR and communications.
Shayoni previously worked as a journalist and then in the in-house team of Cardiff University before launching Lynn Group in 2019.
Lynn has a turnover of £2.6m and 30 employees.
Before we start the PRmoment Awards 2023 are now open for entries - do check out the awards site PRmomentAwards.com. We’ve amassed a stellar line-up of judges this year - including 75 senior in-house communicators, who are amongst the most important buyers of public relations services in the UK.
Also, thanks to the PRmoment Podcast sponsors, The PRCA.
Here is a summary of what Shayoni and Ben Smith founder discussed:
2 mins Shayoni gives us an intro to the basics of behavioural science theory.
“Behavior is an outcome, science is a process”
“Behavioral science helps unlock why people do what they do”
“There are lots of drivers for behaviour - psychological drivers, sociological environmental drivers…”
4.30 mins Is there an accepted theory of behavioural science?
6 mins Do different people react to behavioural science-based messages in a uniform way?
8 mins What are the implications of behavioural science theory on PR and communications?
9.30 mins Hasn’t PR always been about behaviour change?
“We have introduced a scientific approach to communications”
12 mins Would a better understanding of behavioural science change most PR and marketing campaigns?
14 mins Which areas of marketing is the use of behavioural most widely applied?
16.30 mins How did Shayoni learn about behavioural science theory?
22.30 mins Is the tragic reality that the misinformation campaigns that we’ve seen over the last few years - such as Brexit, Trumpism, and Putin’s various attempts at propaganda, particularly inside Russia - are using advanced behavioural science techniques more effectively than anyone else?
“Disinformation actors are very organised and sophisticated in their understanding of human behaviour and they are using behavioural science and psychological tactics really effectively and they are weaponising it to radicalise communities.”
25.30 mins Are social media algorithms in essence a misinformation campaign?
“The question is how do we get to the disinformation before the misinformation journey starts”
30 mins What behavioural science resources are out there for communications people listeners to read/watch/listen to?
Nudge 1st editions and 2nd edition
Inside the Nudge Unit
Thinking Fast and Slow
Website references:
Behavioural science for effective messaging
Podcast: Choice Ology
Industry body: Behavioural Scientists
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