Welcome to the PRmoment Podcast.
This is a quick bonus pod - we’re chatting to Andrew Bloch about PR Pitches and merger & acquisition trends.
The shortlist for The PRmoment Awards is now out, so do get your tickets for the awards nights, all the details are on the homepage of the PRmoment Awards microsite
Finally, thanks to our PRmoment Podcast sponsors, The PRCA.
Here’s a summary of what Andrew and PRmoment founder Ben Smith discuss:
1 min What are the biggest and the most significant pitches you've seen over the last few months?
4 mins How many agencies should be involved with a pitch?
5 mins A discussion of Next Fifteen’s acquisition of Engine MHP Mischief
7 mins “The M&A market is as busy as it’s ever been - it’s extremely buoyant”
9 mins Who’s buying and who’s selling?
“Private equity has been prolific in (PR) acquisitions”12 mins”
12 mins “Some of the valuations are eyewatering”
14 mins What ratio of profit are PR firms currently selling for?
“There are buyers for everything”
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