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How to pitch successfully in PR

Welcome to the PRmoment Podcast.

This week we’re chatting to Kat McGettigan, founder of Fine Lines about how to pitch successfully.

Kat describes Fine Lines as an “agency-growth agency.” Previously she worked at Grayling, M&C Saatchi and Weber Shandwick.

On the show, we talk about how agencies can improve their pitch techniques but we’re also going to take a step back and look at the broader area of growth strategies for PR firms.

Kat was last on the podcast discussing this theme a couple of years ago, so this is an updated perspective on the PR pitching world.

Before we start, check out the programme for our PR Masterclass: Agency Growth Forum. It’s on 12th November 2024, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm GMT. Both face-to-face and virtual tickets are available. The event is held in central London. Face-to-face tickets are expected to sell out, so if you want to come along, don’t hang about.

Testimonials from previous delegates on the PR Masterclasses microsite. It is an incredible programme, with a great atmosphere and well worth your time if you are a PR agency leader.

Finally, thanks to our PRmoment Podcast sponsors, The PRCA.

2 mins Kat outlines the key elements of a successful pitch from an agency's perspective: Chemistry, Clarity, Commitment and Conviction.

What's the secret to winning a PR pitch: "The short answer is winnable chemistry.”

5.30 mins How do you build chemistry with someone you’ve never met?

10 mins “You’ve got to commit (to a pitch), not batten pass!”

“For small to medium-sized agencies (relatively) pitching is a lot more expensive. (relatively)

“If someone asks you to respond to a pitch in less than 2 weeks, walk away.”

14 mins What are the stages of a pitch response?

21 mins What is a good win rate for agencies when pitching?

“My advice would be to pitch less to win more”

“If you're being selective a good pitch win rate is about 40- 50%”

“Some pitches are pitch and learn-  into a different sector”

25 mins What’s the difference between a chemistry and a tissue session?

30.25 mins Is ghosting just bad manners?

32 mins Do clients understand the level of investment agencies are putting into the pitch process?

34 mins Has ghosting taken over from procurement as the most frustrating part of the pitch process?

“I’m a fan of procurement.”

36 mins How many pitch rehearsals should you have?

37 mins What is slide 47 syndrome?

“The slides are your backing singers, You are Beyonce!”

“Always go for the earliest pitch slot.”

39 mins Why you should always try and have the pitch at your agency’s office.

41 mins What are the red flags for agencies when to walk away from a pitch? 1) no access to the stakeholders, 2) no budget and 3) unrealistic timelines.

42 mins Is it not mad that so few ideas from a pitch ever get used?

44 mins Should all pitches just be limited to one idea?

“Hybrid (pitches) are really difficult”

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