Highlights from our PR is Changing conference

Thank you to everyone who came along to our PR is Changing conference. If you missed out, or you attended and want a reminder of your time, here is a video with the highlights of the day.

The speakers and their topics of discussion at this conference were:

PR's relationship with the C-suite
When communication becomes essential: lessons from the financial crisis
Alistair Smith, Corporate Communications Director, Retail and Business Banking, Barclays

How important is media relations in PR today?
Is the role of the journalist dead? Now that anyone can be a journalist, should brands be the publishers of news and their own content?
Betony Taylor, Manager, Media Relations, HSBC

SEO: The impact of PR and Google+ on search
Why Google+ is a bigger opportunity for PR than Facebook
Nick Garner, Head of Search, Unibet

The Leadership Communication Monitor: A seven-part blueprint for leadership success
Rod Cartwright, Director, Global Corporate Practice, Ketchum

The power of PR has never been so great
PR is simple don’t overcomplicate it; know your product range, anticipate consumer demand and create stories around your products

Helen Dickinson, Head of Communications, John Lewis

Using social media to facilitate behaviour change and increase the BBC’s audience
Case Study: Why hashtags and Twitter are bringing UK television viewers together again
Paul Mylrea, Director of Communications, BBC

How PR professionals can use data to ensure they reach the right audience
Chris Bunyan, Senior Associate Director and Anna Salter, Client Service Consultant, Kantar Media

Developing and building a PR team for 2012
Why investment in training and the development of your PR team is crucial to increasing your communication performance

Joe Hanley, Director, External Relations Europe, IBM

Thanks so much for our sponsors and hosts for the morning, Ketchum Pleon

The next PRmoment conference will be The Use of Social Media in B2B Communications.

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