Welcome to the PRmoment Podcast.
This week we’re chatting to Lara Gould about whether journalists make good PR people.
Lara used to work at The Mail On Sunday and the Sunday Mirror. In 2014 she left journalism for PR and set up Goldbug Communications in 2016.
For those of you that don’t know, Goldbug is a brand communication consultancy with revenue of £2.7 million.
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Finally, thanks to our PRmoment Podcast sponsors, The PRCA.
Here’s a summary of what Lara and PRmoment founder Ben Smith talked about:
2 mins Why did Sara leave journalism to work in PR?
4 mins There seems to be quite a bit of resentment in the PR sector when a top journo makes the move and gets a top PR/comms job. Is that resentment is fair?
6 mins Why would a journalist understand how to manage a brand's reputation?
12 mins Should all PR teams have an ex-journalist in them?
13 mins Why Lara believes a journalist's skills for pubic relations need not be focused on the media relations channel, they should be insight related.
14 mins and 18 mins What mistakes do journalists who make the move from journalism to PR make?
15 mins Ex journos often get lots of coverage for their clients when they make the move into PR - but do they get the right sort of coverage?
21 mins Lara talks about the challenges she faced as an ex-journalist launching a PR business
“I had to learn the career at the same time as learning to run a business”
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