Welcome to the PRmoment Podcast.
This week we’re chatting to Alex Myers, founder and global CEO of Manifest. Manifest employees circa 70 people globally, has a fee income of over £5m globally, with about $2m of that coming from its fast-growing New York Office. London remains its largest hub.
It also has offices in Stockholm and Melbourne.
Do check out the home page of PRmoment for our latest webinars, including PR Analytics, LinkedIn as B2B Marketing Channel and The intersection of Data, Insight and PR Planning.
Finally, thanks to our PRmoment Podcast sponsors, The PRCA.
Here’s a flavour of what Alex and PRmoment founder Ben Smith discussed:
2 mins We last had Alex on the show in 2018. How have the last 4 years been for Manifest?
4 mins Alex discusses the challenges of trying to take a British consumer PR firm global.
7 mins Alex talks about the UK PR market - from regulation, culture and media differences.
10 mins Digital media is very fragmented in the US, so you can’t start with the media - you have to start with the brand strategy.
13 mins “Sustainability is a four-letter word in Sweden, it’s beige level.”
15 mins What was the decision-making behind where Mianfest launched its international offices?
20 mins Why Manifest have just changed its creative team’s structure - making it a centralised resource.
23 mins “I don’t care what room the money is in as long as it’s in the house.”
24 mins “I didn’t set up the business to be a boss, I set up the business to not have a boss.”
24 mins Alex talks us through Manifest’s central strategy of trying to move its work “upstream.”
26 mins “The best articulation of your brand is your product”
31 mins “The challenge with the words “public relations” is that they don’t tell you what it (PR) does”
34 mins Alex argues that PR agencies that are part of networks are in danger of being merged into the holding company's “endorsement brand.”
37 mins “It’s not about efficiency it’s about efficacy - there are too many channels to have a budget for each of them…you need a customer-based strategy, not a channel strategy”
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