There have been over 240 PRmoment podcast shows and here host Ben Smith chooses a mix of content: from the cosy, to the nostalgic and hopefully a little bit of inspiration to catapult us all into the New Year!
Please don't listen to all of these podcasts! Make sure you have a great Christmas and a lovely time with friends and family.
But if you fancy a break from the kids, mother-in-law/father-in-law or just need some time alone here are some recommended PRmoment podcasts to help you through!.
You can subscribe to the PRmoment Podcast on Apple Podcasts here or through your favourite podcast provider.
Happy holidays!

Lord Chadlington
This is one from 2018 but Chadlington is one of my favourite PR people and his advice remains highly relevant for agency entrepreneurs. This is definitely in the cosy category - best enjoyed wearing a woolly jumper and a mug of hot chocolate!

A no podcast day.

Lord Tim Bell on his role in Bell Pottinger's collapse
I continue to Lord it up! Again this podcast was published back in 2018 before the podcast got really popular so many of our newer listeners may have missed it!
The late Lord Bell went from controversial to very controversial in the latter stages of his career. If you want an explanation of his role in the Bell Pott Oakbay Investments racism scandal that caused terrible repercussions in South Africa - then this is as good as you're going to get. In truth, the most revealing bits of this podcast could never be published! "High risk" was how our media lawyer referred to much of my discussion with Lord Bell when he was discussing his relationship with ex-Bell Pottinger CEO James Henderson.
In perhaps the most random PRmoment podcast fact, when I was interviewing Lord Bell a South African film crew was recording a documentary on him called Influence. They wanted to use the footage from my interview in their film.
To cut a long story short, to my great surprise, when the film was released my interview ended up narrating their film - the little buggers never asked my permission to use the audio and didn't even mention me in the credits! But anyway...
You can watch Influence here if you want, it's not a great film, but it's an interesting watch for anyone who works in PR. In the opening sequence, the viewer is kind of promised that the film will investigate Lord Bell's involvement in the Oakbay Investments scandal but it never quite gets there. It becomes the story of his career, which is still interesting, just not why most people will have decided to watch the movie.

Bear in mind this was recorded pre-COVID -Tamara Littleton is one of UK agency land's most impressive entrepreneurs.

Julian Obubo, brand strategy director at Manifest London on "How to be an anti-racist company"
Julian is one of those people who every time your chat with him - he makes you think! And on this podcast, you get to spend half an hour with him...

Is ESG the most important development for public relations in 50 years?
Most important in 50 years? It may well be the biggest opportunity but at the moment I'd suggest PR is in danger of reducing its ESG role to merely producing or "PR'ing" the ESG Report. But Blurred's Matt Peacock knows more about this area than most and he's much more upbeat...

Being gay in the creative industry: Two personal experiences
I chatted with Marc Allenby and Daniel Maynard about their contrasting experiences of being gay and working in PR.

Does PR have an ethics problem?
Trade bodies spend quite a bit of time suggesting that PR has an ethics problem. On this podcast, two people who have studied ethics in PR more than anyone else I've ever met (co-authors of Public Relations Ethics Trevor Morris and Simon Goldsworthy) suggest that PR has less of an ethics problem than many suggest. We also talk about ethics as a spectrum - turns out it's more complex than you think!
Trevor's also got a great voice, so that's worth listening to even if ethics aren't your thing!

How to pitch successfully
Basically, Kat McGettigan, founder of Fine Lines knows a lot about how to pitch better!
A great way to see in the New Year!

The history of public relations with Tom Watson, professor emeritus at Bournemouth University
I think I've finally come around to the idea that I'm a bit of a history geek - until you know the history of something you're going to struggle to work out its future! And Tom Watson is probably the world's leading expert on the history of PR.

Are undiagnosed cases of menopause partly responsible for women aged 45+ leaving a career in PR?
A fascinating chat that both men and women should listen to with Dr Clare Spencer from the My Menopause Centre and Jo Carr, co-founder Hope&Glory.
And if you've made it to the 3rd of Jan - nice one. You've got 24 days to get your PRmoment Award entries in!
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