Neil Boom, PR director at, explains the PR strategy his business took when Google turned off the tap PR Opinion
World Vision’s Kate Nicholas discusses how digital technologies are breaking down global frontiers for aid organisations and their supporters PR Opinion
Weber Shandwick Public Affairs vice chairman Tara Hamilton-Miller says Clegg will have to be clever if he is to maintain his new-found popularity PR Opinion
Kevin Moloney, tutor for Bournemouth Uni’s PR course, on why PR degrees are popular with students and great for employers PR Opinion
Marshall Manson, director of digital at PR agency Edelman, says brands must control their fear of social media PR Opinion
David Wilson, Chairman of Bell Pottinger PR says that despite a world of turbulence, commuicators must stay cool PR Opinion
Hill and Knowlton CEO Richard Millar on why PR agencies must align their structure to clients’ needs PR Opinion