Sometimes it really does take courage to hold on to your convictions, says Bell Pottinger’s chairman David WIlson PR Opinion
Don’t expect a creative director to come up with the best ideas, says Graham Goodkind, founder of consultancy Frank PR PR Opinion
Weber Shandwick’s chief reputation strategist Leslie Gaines-Ross defines the new ‘PR’ PR Opinion
Digital agencies don’t understand how Twitter works, says Lewis PR’s chief operating officer Paul Charles PR Opinion
Barry Leggetter, executive director of the international Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC), says it’s time for PR to prove its worth PR Opinion
Shows are great places to meet and influence people, but to make the most of them you must make online contact PR Opinion
David Wilson, chairman of Bell Pottinger Public Relations, says todays’ politicians are hardly inspirational PR Opinion
PHA Media’s chairman Phil Hall says the government needs to show it is really doing something, instead of spouting a lot of hot air PR Opinion
Neil Boom, PR director at, explains the PR strategy his business took when Google turned off the tap PR Opinion