Hey folks! Welcome to the inaugural post in my new B2B Creativity series.
Here's the deal: every couple of weeks, I'm diving headfirst into the wild world of B2B, scouring the lands of advertising, marketing, and PR for the most epic creativity out there.
Why? Because B2B has a bad rap.
When you think of B2B marketing, what comes to mind? Cringeworthy LinkedIn posts, jargon-stuffed webinars, and white papers so boring they'd put a caffeinated squirrel to sleep. In fact, half of B2B buyers agree they'd rather watch paint dry than endure the marketing content they receive.
Ok, that’s not actually true. But 48% do say they’re bored with the marketing content they get sent.
But B2B doesn't have to be boring — and creativity shouldn't be reserved solely for consumer brands.
That's why I'm here to shine a spotlight on those badass B2B brands that are breaking the mould and cooking up campaigns that are unforgettable, entertaining, and — most importantly — effective.
Anyway, that’s enough preamble. Let's dive into this week's campaign.
Possessed – The Origin Story of a B2B Marketer
In general, I’m going to be sticking to PR stunts for this column as that’s my bag. That said, I couldn't resist this gem of a video.
"Possessed — The Origin Story of a B2B Marketer" is the brainchild of the B2B video legends over at Umault.
Dropped just in time for Halloween, the viral ad tells the spine-chilling tale of a frantic mother whose kid gets possessed by the spirits of B2B marketing. We're talking visions of sales funnels, qualified leads, eerie echoes of customer experiences — the kid's a goner.
"A 7-part series on the difference between demand gen and lead gen - what's wrong with my son?"
Check out the full video below, it’s a scream.
From horror to humour
Now, don't think for a second that Umault's video is just your average Halloween newsjacking. It's not just riding the spooky wave; it's building on something much bigger.
The trendsetters over at The Future Party did a bang-up job summarising why horror-themed content is cutting through with audiences in 2023, and the close ties between horror, humour, and memorability.
Which brings us onto what makes this B2B campaign great — it’s funny.
According to the data, humour is like the secret sauce for winning people over to your brand. It's the golden ticket that bridges the generation gap and propels your advertising into a league of its own. Funny ads? They're like a triple threat — more expressive (+27 points), more engaging (+14), and unmistakably memorable (+11).
Sadly, the use of humour in marketing has been dwindling lately, especially in the oh-so-serious realm of B2B. But that's what makes Umault’s content stand out. It’s funny, it’s sharable, but it also shows personality. That’s something a lot of B2B brands totally fail to achieve.
Umault's snappy little video is already causing a stir, racking up thousands of views on YouTube. Plus, it's been making the rounds on LinkedIn, where it's getting a killer response from the agency's ideal crowd.
Possessed – The Origin Story of a B2B Marketer is timely, memorable, and original. All the things great B2B content should be.
B2B Creativity is a fortnightly column curated and written by Alex Warren, tech PR professional at Wildfire.
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