Blimey. The Olympics are actually going very well. This seems to flow against my beloved British stream of cynicism but long may it continue. That said, I do have a couple of Olympic themed moans. Most seem to centre on the fact that trying to do a day’s work during the Olympics is simply not going to happen:
1. Because of the over-hyped fears that London would ground to a halt, everyone is “working” at home. Brilliant idea. Do we really think that during the school holidays, in the summer sunshine, when the Olympics are on, we are all going to be glued to the laptop? Not likely.
2. I’m up most evenings watching Olympics Tonight. The late nights were fine for a couple of days but now the eyes are becoming ever more bleary.
3. There is actually some sport on terrestrial TV. I’m a tight fisted so and so and I’ve always refused to pay for a Sky Sports subscription, but now I see how the rest of the world lives – and I reckon watching sport is costing me two to three hours of my day.
4. Expert analysis. Suddenly we’re all experts in diving, fencing and Greco Roman wrestling. I don’t mind this – but my desk neighbour gives me a daily morning lecture on the previous day's sporting fair. And his arrogance means that he never questions his encyclopedic knowledge – alas, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
5. Annoying Olympic terms. My wife even asked me whether Team GB "medalled”!
All that misery aside - Go Team GB! You are doing us proud. There is so much good will in the UK right now, I almost don’t recognise the place.
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