Ten Things That Annoy Hacked Off Flack

First impressions can be misleading. I have sometimes taken an instant dislike to someone for some petty reason, only for them to become a close mate. But despite telling myself off for judging people unfairly, I often find that there are things people do, say or wear that put my hackles up. So if you are guilty of any of the following, I apologise for holding it against you! 

Ten things I hate:

1. Jack Wills T-shirts on 40 years olds. I don’t think anyone over the age of 20 should have the words Jack Wills emblazoned all over them. And those track suits? You're kidding?

2. Having lunch with someone on a diet. Nothing is more tedious than having lunch with someone who spends ages ordering low-fat options and egg-white-only omelettes. And then gets mad when the restaurant doesn’t have skimmed milk. Utterly joyless.

3. Going on and on about your over-achieving kids. Yes I'm sure they are a kind of Winston Churchill/Usaine Bolt crossbreed.

My favourite current riposte is: "Do you think he'll be the next Tiger Woods...?"

4. Your Porsche/country mansion/holidays in Barbados. This isn’t because I’m jealous. Honest. Well maybe I am a bit. But at least I'm not insecure.

5. Chain smoking. Heavy smokers are always disappearing if you go out for a meal with them, and if you work with them they are never at their desks.

6. Being too slim and good looking. I know that attractive people are supposed to do better in life, but I suspect those that look like models also engender a lot of envy and mistrust (using that logic, I should be Mr Popular!).

7. Being obsessed with your pet. No I don't want to see pictures of your hairy best friend, or your pet snake (innuendo is intentional). Although people who hate animals are worse, and may possibly be psychopaths.

8. Being a morning person. I can’t put up with anyone who is cheerful before noon.

9. Beating me at tennis. This covers anyone who can hold a racquet.

10. Your shelf full of PR awards. Oh get over yourself. Clients don't care. They hire on recommendation, not navel-gazing.

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