Seven signs that PR is driving you crazy
Did you enjoy the TV over Christmas? It certainly had its highs (Great Expectations for one), but it also scored some lows. I was bored when I saw Absolutely Fabulous and I was irritated by the way the media portrays people in PR jobs. Now, Edina is obviously nothing like anyone who really works in PR, but there are a surprising number of people in this industry who are a bit strange.
I don’t know whether it’s this industry that drives people mad, or it’s the mad people that drive the industry, but I have witnessed men and women behaving bizarrely. Here are some ways of acting that might get people worrying about your sanity.
1. Talking too loudly
Teachers talk loudly. My brother-in-law is a teacher and his volume bugs the hell out of me. As the volume increases, any sense being made decreases and my head stars to pound.
2. Having pictures of your pets at work and talking about them all the time
One colleague loves to regale us with tales about her “boys” who are, in fact, her cats. No one wants to know about your secret life with animals, and when it comes to dogs, discussing how funny they are makes you seem barking. Especially the stories about the outfits you have made for them.
3. Becoming obsessive/compulsive
If you have to get into your office at precisely 8.02am, read the newspapers in a certain order and explaining how you like your coffee takes a couple of minutes, you need to lighten up. It’s all getting on top of you. Those palpitations you’re experiencing are a warning sign.
4. Dressing in an craaazy way
Wearing a brightly striped shirt is acceptable. Wearing a bightly striped suit makes you look like you’re dressed in pyjamas.
5. Never leaving the office
There’s no need to work over 12 hours a day, if you aren’t mad already, being at work all the time will soon send you that way.
6. Believing the rest of the world uses Twitter as much as you do
It seems to me the vast majority of the non PR world, know about Twitter, but don't use it.
7. Excessive laughter
Please don't try and be a working case study of that book How to Win Friends and Influence People. Excessive laughter at non-funny jokes/comment is annoying.
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