Hacked Off plays social media top trumps

On a good day social media has the potential to change the world, but more importantly, it allows us to play social media top trumps!

Let’s face it, whilst we might be over comparing how many Facebook friends we have, when it comes to the number of Twitter followers and LinkedIn connections – the game is on. If I’m chatting to a fellow PRO on Twitter, or even a journo, if my follower numbers crush theirs, it adds a spring to my step. A feeling of inner smugness.

Likewise, there is a strange, unjustifiable feeling of insecurity if I’m chatting to some guy with 10K+ followers. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you’re a better PRO with lots of Twitter followers. Clearly not, in fact it may be an indication that you are more interested in self promotion than that of your clients.

The LinkedIn race is also good fun, racing to get to 500+ connections first. I find it pretty gratifying when I out connect my peers. Life’s all about the small victories.

Here are the rules for playing social media top trumps:

1. Choose an opponent. Pick someone who you consider to be of similar standing in the PR industry, ideally someone you respect, but don’t necessarily like.

2. Google their name. If they come top of the list, award them 10 points, five for second place. If they are on the first page they get three points. If they are not on the first page, they get nothing.

3. Check out how many followers they have on Twitter. More than 3,000 earns 10 points, more than 1,000 five points, and over 500 gets three points.

4. Look at LinkedIn connections. Over 500 connections is 10 points, over 400 is eight points and over 300 is six points.

5. Now do same for yourself. And decide who is king or queen!

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