Film, camera, action! Some top film stunts to make you smile

How was the holiday everyone? Good and Bad PR is back, and back with a bang.

Good PR of the week

Happy endings

Sometimes even the most cynical of PROs need an “Ahh, that’s nice” moment and this week it comes in the form of rom-com film supremo Richard Curtis.

The Four Weddings and a Funeral and Love Actually director was served a pizza by 18-year-old Rebecca Chew when taking a break from scouting for new filming locations and one month later she got a call offering her a part in the said new film.

Before anyone could shout “pre-film hype and publicity” the story was in the Daily Mail and lucky Miss Chew has now completed filming alongside Bill Nighy and Rachel McAdams.

End of the world

LG Electronics gets the second nod for good PR, this time, prank based. I loves a good prank I does. LG got some random muggles to turn up for a fake job interview. The window of the interview room was replaced with a big LG screen that still looked like an, erm, window.

As the interviews took place the “window” showed a meteorite entering the earth’s atmosphere and crashing into the city. Some tried to run out of the room, some were clearly panicked and some were in tears.

I am amazed that this has not had more wide-stream pick up, other than some profile in Australia and America, probably because, shamefully, it is not filmed in English. If it isn’t in English we just ain’t interested (LOL).

Bad PR of the week

Bad public relations is split into two this week.

Leadership crisis

On the frightfully serious front, Ed Miliband seemingly flip-flopped more than Ghandi over Syria during the last week and this has left him in a precarious PR position. Personally I think he is one more gaffe away from getting the Spanish archer (el bow).

Nothing he does at the minute gets positive pick up and he probably needs to take a back seat for a few weeks and avoid the limelight in order to try and come back with a bit of a bang.

Bad horseplay

On the less war-serious front Tesco has had another horse-meat poke this week. It just can’t seem to unseat this scandal.

Following on from many other brands that have done full-page apologies over crisis issues, Tesco took out some big time ads that the ASA felt could trick readers into thinking there were issues with meat standards across the UK.

Obviously, that was not the case and I am sure that the likes of McDonald’s, a brand that has banged the drum very loudly about its high meat standards was pretty annoyed at Tesco’s actions.

The ASA have ridden in to save the day and ruled that the ads cannot appear again in their current form.

Got anything good or bad that you want to share? or @10yetis on Twitter.

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