Good and Bad PR: Morrisons and Aldi put the word ‘super’ into supermarket

Good PR


If you thought that you had seen it all regarding vegan alternatives – Morrisons has recently launched a foot-long (that’s right, 12 inches) of vegan sausage roll for just £1!

Less than a year after Greggs beautifully executed the PR surrounding its own meat-free and plant-based version, Morrisons has brought out the substantially sized 466g product to try and get on the always-popular vegan bandwagon.

The product contains soya mince, wrapped in dairy-free pastry and is promising to deliver all the flavour of a meat version of the snack. Who would have thought a supermarket would do that? Move out of the way Greggs, Morrisons is offering something bigger, better and cheaper!


An increasing amount of the British public are stepping up in a bid to become more environmentally conscious and help the planet.

One way many are already doing this is by taking the plastic crisis seriously and cutting down on the unnecessary waste of harmful and unrecyclable materials. Now Aldi is taking it one step further. Trialling in a minimum of 250 stores, you have the option to purchase a plastic bag for your vegetables (you know, the ones for your onions and your peppers) for 25p. Of course, you don’t have to purchase that 25p bag, but it’s an incentive that you should either bring brown paper bags for your groceries or bring in your reusable bags to store them in.

Aldi wants to reduce its plastic packaging by 25% by the time 2023 rolls around – and most of us agree that the only way we are going hit this target is to charge more for the use of single-use plastic bags.

Go Aldi!

Bad PR


McDonalds has received bad PR this week as its CEO, British businessman Steve Easterbrook, was sacked after having a work-place relationship with an employee. Not the best news to hear when your salary for 2018 was £12.3m and your work has been credited with revitalising the firm’s menus and restaurants.

According to reports, Mr Easterbrook admitted that the relationship was a mistake and that he agreed with the board that it was time to move on. 

England Rugby Team

Even though we lost to South Africa during last Saturday’s world cup final, the England Rugby Team have come under fire as they were seen ripping their silver medals from their necks.

England prop Kyle Sinckler was seen with his medal over his neck, but he evidently couldn’t wait to rip it off as soon as he got the chance.

Bad PR. Why? That’s the first time we have got to the final since 2007. Surely that is something to be proud of? Either way, we were called sore losers by the rest of the world and it certainly doesn’t paint us in the best light.

Zorba Delicacies

Asda, Lidl, Aldi and Sainsbury’s are just some of the stores that have had to recall 82 different brands of hummus over salmonella fears this week (who even knew there were that many on sale in the UK)? What is everyone going to dip their carrots and celery stick into now?

What could have been done to prevent the possible outbreak? Quality control checks, and this should have been done even before the hummus had hit the shelves. They were quick enough to react however, the FSA were informed immediately – so check your hummus people! Return to the store where you purchased it from to receive a full refund.

Bad PR for chickpeas in general really. Not only is this going to sway people from buying hummus in the future, Zorba Delicacies will have to ensure that the same mistake isn’t made twice.

Written by Paige Evans, PR account executive 10 Yetis Digital. Seen any good or bad PR lately?
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