The intersection of PR and SEO

Location: Ogilvy, Sea Containers, 18 Upper Ground, South Bank, London SE1 9RQ
Organiser: PRmoment Events
Price: Early-bird: £150 +VAT, Normal: £185 +VAT
Powered by Eventbrite
8.30am Registration, coffee and croissants  

Chairpersons Intro
- Ben Smith, founder, PRmoment


What does good PR SEO look like when it is applied?
- Lexi Mills, Managing Partner, Shift6

  • What does bad PR SEO look like when applied?
  • What does the future of PR SEO look like?
  • Why integration between PR and SEO is critical
9.35 am

Why PR agencies should be better at SEO than SEO agencies
- Laura Crimmons, founder, Silverthorn

  • Why you need great content so that you don't have to ask for that link!
  • How social campaigns can impact your SEO performance
  • Is there a correlation between brand mentions and Google ranking
  • How to make your content SEO friendly

What PR should be doing to increase its SEO impact
- Lukasz Zelezny, Director of Organic Performance,  Zoopla, uSwitch, PrimeLocation & SmartNewHomes

  • Why you should not target any media who do not give you links
  • Why follow links are so important
  • How to use data analytics to understand your SEO ecosystem
  • Why publishers are wrong to be so guarded about giving follow links
  • How to use social monitoring to identify sites relevant to you

Networking break



Identifying the processes that will enable your PR and SEO teams to work together
- Nick Wilsdon, Search Product Owner, Vodafone Group

  • Why most SEOs get their PR wrong and why they get their integration with PR wrong
  • Why the skill sets of PR and SEO professionals are complementary, not competing
  • Why good SEO is now about fewer better links
  • Understanding why publishers prefer no follow links
  • What is the best way to build links effectively
  • Understanding the impact of deep links within your website
  • Why social media activity has no impact on search results

How Hertz’s PR and SEO teams collaborated to drive awareness, engagement and business growth
- Will Cooke, Executive Director Strategy & Innovation, Golin
- Sophie Hazan, Content Team Manager, Stickyeyes


Panel: Question Time
- Michelle Wilding, Head of SEO and Content, The Telegraph
- Jim Hawker, co founder, Threepipe
- Nick Wilsdon, Search Product Owner, Vodafone Group
- Lexi Mills, Managing Partner, Shift6

- James Crawford, Managing Director, PR Agency One

  • First Question: What are the top Google Ranking Factors?
  • Second Question: Who has a bigger budget PR people or SEO people?
  • Third Question: Understanding the mindset of the SEO industry
  • Fourth Question: Does it really all just come down to a link?


The top 10 Google Search Ranking factors
- Dixon Jones, Global Brand Ambassador, Majestic SEO

  • Comparing the SEO impact of a linked and non linked article from high profile media sites
  • Identifying the 10 most important search ranking factors for PR professionals
  • Understanding the importance of headline writing for SEO impact
1.05pm Chairpersons closing remarks
- Ben Smith, founder PRmoment


This event is worth 15 points
towards the PRCA CPD