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PR is Changing 2015

Location: London
Organiser: PRmoment
Price: £185 + VAT

Why attend: The scope and importance of public relations to organisations has grown massively in recent years. Consumer awareness, stakeholder engagement, reputation and impact on sales all come under the remit of today’s PR teams. This conference compares how different organisations are managing their communications in 2016 and examines how the skills and objectives of PR teams are changing

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The address for this seminar is: 35-41 Folgate Street, London, E1 6BX


8.30am Registration and informal networking
9.00am Chairperson's Introduction
Ben Smith, Founder, PRmoment

Act One: Big important stuff – The future of Public Relations


Why public relations is more powerful than ever
Chris McLaughlin, Senior
Vice President - External Affairs & Marketing Communications, Inmarsat plc

  • Why the narrative and telling the story of an organisation has become the most important thing
  • Why, in the modern era, companies must seek the public’s permission to operate
  • Modern communications is defined by engaging with your publics
  • Adverting and digital communications are one-way – public relations is 2-way

Intertwining public relations, brand marketing and product teams
Kai Gait, Global Digital Director, GSK

  • Educating business leaders on the importance and impact of digital on reputation
  • GSK’s integrated content marketing strategy
  • Balancing the need for a global digital strategy with the need for local implementation
  • The challenges of regulation: How to engage with stakeholders without talking about your products
  • How to utilise digital relationships with stakeholders

Panel: Is PR really dead? Or is it just different?

Public relations has become complicated. On the one hand it plays an important role in influencing public policy and on the other it should have an impact on awareness and sales. Do these objectives contradict or complement each other?

What is the modern day role of public relations? Is it about to be gobbled up by marketing? And how many great examples of content marketing have come from a PR team – either agency or in-house?

The panel:

Robert Phillips, Co-Founder & Head of Chambers, Jericho Chambers, Author of PR is Dead and ex CEO EMEA, Edelman

Colin Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, UK & EMEA, Weber Shandwick

Sarah Ogden, Board Director, 3 Monkeys Communications

David Keene, Head of Marketing, Google for Work, Northern Europe

Kristina Eriksson, Head of Media Relations, Financial Times


Coffee, fruit and informal networking


Act 2: Practical insights into the challenges facing PR professionals today


How the in-house PR team has changed
Sam Hall, Director, Corporate Communications & Social Strategy, Oracle

  • The new skills requirements – analytics, content creation and design
  • The ever-present needs of high quality storytellers
  • Why the remit of in-house PR teams has increased
  • Why the role of agencies is evolving – quickly!

Content production for social and digital media
Andrew Jennings, Associate Director, Digital, Ketchum

  • Content production in a PR firm
  • The role of the PR firm in social media engagement
  • The integration of paid and earned media
  • The balancing act of complimenting or competing with ad agencies

Vodafone’s Social Journey
Dan Bowsher, Strategic Lead, Social Media Comms Vodafone UK

  • What role does PR have in social?
  • Can PR break down organisational silos?
  • What's an advocate to you?
  • Is a social media utopia realistic?

A new Communications Mix for The Body Shop: From Media, Vloggers, Influencers
Sanjani Shah, International Senior Brand Communications Manager, The Body Shop International

  • From a non-advertising, communications-led brand, you will learn:
  • Why now is such an exciting time for public relations – our skills have never been more important to business
  • Maintaining relevance – how the PR skillset can be broadened
  • What is the new communications mix for The Body Shop?
  • An insight into The Body Shop International Vlogger Strategy
  • Why traditional media brands retain their importance

Chairpersons closing remarks
Ben Smith, Founder, PRmoment


1.15pm Lunch and informal networking  
2.00pm Close of conference