PR Analytics 2018

Location: Cicero, 10 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7NG
Organiser: PRmoment Events
Price: Early-bird is £165 +VAT, Normal is £195 +VAT

Learn how to measure the outcomes of your public relations, evaluate your social media and understand the impact of your commmunications on your company's objectives

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8.30am Registration, coffee, croissants, fruit and informal networking  
8.55am Chairpersons introduction
Ben Smith, Founder

How communicators can demonstrate the impact of their work
Alex Aiken, Executive Director for Government Communications


How IBM have developed an AI sentiment analysis program to measure its communications
Lucy Linthwaite, External Relations Leader, IBM UK and Ireland

  • How AI has enabled better reading of natural language to discover trends and patterns in sentiment
  • How cognitive technology has increased the breadth, accuracy and speed of results
  • How IBM use the information to tailor communications and make more data driven decisions

Measurement that’s fit for the future
Richard Bagnall, CEO, PRIME Research UK and Chairman, AMEC

  • Understanding the integrated KPIs that are relevant for your business
  • How to develop a measurement process
  • The great analysis tool explosion and what it means for the inexperienced buyer
10.35am Networking coffee break  

PR is as measurable as any other form of marketing
Dave Stevens, Marketing Director, British Land

  • Marketing has owned up to its measurement problem, now public relations must follow
  • Why PR needs to adopt B2B marketing measurement techniques
  • How PR must move away from measuring fictional eyeballs to measuring sentiment and calls to action
  • How British Land uses focus groups to measure the impact of its PR campaigns



Understanding Measurement and Influence patterns: The Agency, the client and the measurement

Who does what? Who's responsible for what? What does each party need from each other and who’s in charge?

Anne-Sophie Pereira De Sa, EMEA Customer Success Manager, Sysomos
Marcus Gault, Managing Director, Kantar Media Reputation Intelligence
Ben Levine, Director, Head of Research, Analytics & Measurement, FleishmanHillard Fishburn
Claire Foster, Deputy Head of News, Direct Line Group



Case Study: How SAS has developed an integrated measurement process Rachel Lockwood, Marketing Director, SAS

  • Linking measurement metrics to the business plan
  • Understanding your customer proposition for the next 2 years and linking this to your communications plan, communications objectives and KPIs
  • Understanding your demand forecasting and the impact of your communication channels
  • Breaking down KPIs by channel but retaining a holistic view
  • Building a linear tracking infrastructure across numerous channels and touch points
  • Understanding the impact of engagement metrics and intent data on sales
12.55pm Close of conference


  Buffet Lunch and informal networking  

This event is worth 20 points
towards the PRCA CPD