How creative technology and innovative platforms will redefine brand communications post lockdown
Virtual Event
Free to attend
Background: New technologies and new platforms have always played a role in brand communications as organisations have looked to piggyback the latest trends. However, the near-total digitalisation of consumers' time during the lockdown has accelerated this trend.
This event explores how some brands have done used new platforms during the lockdown and asks what’s next...
Why attend: Learn how brands have adapted their communication platforms to during the lockdown and the digitalisation of consumer's time
How it works: This virtual event is free to attend. Each speaker session lasts for 15
mins, plus a 5 minute Q&A. You'll be sent a link to the event 24
hours before the event starts via Eventbrite.
4.00 pm
Intro and Welcome Chairperson introduction, Ben Smith, founder PRmoment and co-founder Just Marketing
4.05 pm
Bridging the gap between technology and creativity Emily Westgate, VP Marketing, Signal AI
Applying AI technology to Covid era communication trends
How to use technology to understand shifting stakeholder sentiment
4.15 pm
The evolution of production during the lockdown period James Cross, creative director, BBC Creative
How channels such as “out of home” became irrelevant overnight
How the BBC moved its creative to video and social channels
Why brands must adapt to the pressures and realities of Covid-19 era marketing to survive
This presentation will include a selection of case studies from BBC Creative
4.35 pm
The engagement cycle of the media, social platforms and your customers Simon Hailes, director of group media relations, Barclays
Taking an integrated approach to modern reputation management: understanding how audiences and platforms work together
Navigating engagement with the media, government and consumers throughout the Covid-19 lockdown
The importance of building relationships in advance of a crisis
Effective audience targeting through social media platforms
4.55 pm
Understanding which channels are thriving and which channels have stagnated Rebecca Grant, UK CEO, BCW Global
How Instagram’s importance as a channel has increased since the lockdown began
How the type of creative content brands are producing has changed
How influencers have adapted their content habits
Can agencies retain their creativity while working remotely?
5.25 pm
Why IBM has seen an acceleration in the use of its Watson AI technology for internal communications and B2B communications during the pandemic and how this and other technologies can help beyond the lockdown Justina Gilbert, brand and communications leader (UK & Ireland), IBM
How the lockdown has seen the creative use of existing technologies
How AI technologies have enabled firms to better respond and enable customers and employees alike
Which technologies will be front and centre of our recovery as we continue to re-think the way we live and work