PRmoment Masterclass: Agency Growth Forum The Creative Moment Awards Winners 2024 PRmoment Leaders PRCA PA Mediapoint PA Mediapoint PA Assignments

Future Proofing in-house communications teams: Prioritising impact

Location: Online
Organiser: PRmoment Events
Price: Free

Why attend: You’ll hear exclusive research looking at the intersection of in-house teams and their agency partners, including a discussion of the unconscious biases of in-house leaders.

We’ll also look at how the skill sets of in-house communications teams have changed: what is the balance of modern public relations between media relations, owned social, employee amplification, influencer and paid media?

Please note all attendees will be sent a recording of the presentations after the event.


4.00 pm

Chairperson’s intro
Ben Smith, founder, PRmoment

4.05 pm

How in-house communications departments are changing

Chris Talago, senior director marketing communications EMEA & APAC, Adobe

  • How in-house PR teams are growing and evolving

  • The intersection of communications with marketing, legal, employee comms and the c-suite

  • Why comms needs to lead an integrated content strategy across social

  • The rising importance of data: both to shape strategy and to measure success

  • Your Comms Defence: Communications teams as the guardians of the brand

  • How the skills requirement of in-house teams are changing

4.30 pm

Exclusive research results: What are the implications of your unconscious biases when choosing an agency

Rosie Bannister, managing director, AxiCom

  • To what extent are unconscious biases responsible for the choice of an agency partner?

  • What are the attributes PR buyers look for in an agency?

  • What are the biggest turn-offs for in-house teams when appointing an agency?

  • How important is sector expertise in the agency buying decision?

4.50 pm

Panel: What unconscious bias is held about PR agencies?

  • How common is unconscious bias in PR pitch decisions?

  • When do your preferences become biases? Whether it's a preference for specialist vs generalist agencies, independent vs networked/group-owned firms, or a specialism preference such as consumer vs B2B?

Ben Smith, founder, PRmoment (chair) 
- Rosie Bannister, managing director, AxiCom

David Ginivan, VP corporate communications and reputation, Sage
- Chris Talago, senior director marketing communications EMEA & APAC, Adobe

5.25 pm

Close of event

This event is worth 20 points
towards the PRCA CPD

Thanks to AxiCom for partnering with us for this event