Who I love on Twitter by Ellie St George-Yorke from Acceleris

Top PR

Rich Leigh @RichLeighPR. Founder of PR examples, Rich tweets a wide variety of insightful and interesting articles covering PR and stunts. His down-to-earth, no-nonsense style is very refreshing. Rich also does a lot of retweeting for other PROs and regularly shares his expertise with those trying to get into the industry.

Top celebrity

Tim Minchin @timminchin. The perfect mix of activism and musical theatre – who could ask for more?!

 Top journalist

Bex Burn-Callander @sparky000. Enterprise editor at The Telegraph, Bex is definitely worth a follow. Her feed is a great mix of all things innovation – food, technology, business, the list is endless. She also holds a place on Gorkana's top 100 UK journalists to follow on Twitter so she must be doing something right!

 Two other faves:

National Trust  ‏@nationaltrust. I am constantly in awe of the beauty of the UK and the National Trust’s use of video and photography captures this perfectly. The stunning photography included with every post grabs your attention and has inspired many a trip to the countryside or the beach.

 Fish is the Dish @FishIsTheDish. Run by Seafood Authority Seafish, the Fish is the Dish account tweets healthy and sustainable seafood recipes for all ages and abilities. Its competitions and vibrant photography make for a very interesting addition to any news feed.

Article written by Ellie St George-Yorke, account director at PR agency Acceleris

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