Take a look at Tess: After eight long years, we’ve got our first pet video on PRmoment

This week’s pet in PR is Border Terrier Tess who works at agency Fourth Day PR. Here is a video below so you can watch her at work.

One-year-old Tess is Fourth Day PR’s brand ambassador. An integral part of the Manchester team, she enjoys jumping on to laps, barking at her own reflection in the mirror and chasing her tail.

A master of distraction, Tess is always on hand for a cuddle should things get stressful. Nikki, Fourth Day director and Tess’s “mum”, says: ‘‘We hired Tess after she joined on a puppy apprenticeship about 12 months ago. Almost immediately, we noticed enthusiasm – demonstrated by her weak bladder at moments of over excitement! A great source of inspiration, she can always be called upon to offer a totally different perspective on almost any situation.’’

Tess’s favourite things include chasing pigeons, eating soil from the office plants and having her belly rubbed. She’s very comfortable in the office, most commonly seen sprawled out by the shelves, on the sofa and even the coffee table – no one in the agency can imagine life without her.

 Do you have a pet that should feature in PRmoment? Email daneyparker@prmoment.com

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