Pets in PR: Meet the two top dogs Wilbur and Frank from RMS

Describe your typical day at RMS?

Wilbur: Frank and I are carried into work in our rather cosy blanket and begin the day by setting up camp in Ruth’s office – she still thinks it’s her office, but what can you do? I then like to have a wander around, say hello to everyone and make sure that everything is in order for the day ahead. After that it’s pretty chilled to be honest, the occasional snooze here and there, it really is a ruff life. I mainly enjoy lying back and watching all the creative work take place!

Frank: After making sure everybody is okay, I like to position myself in between the ‘Frame of Frame’ and the crisis comms phone, I get a dog’s-eye view of all the day’s activity. It’s also a wonderful place to get a stroke off people as they pass by.

 What do you like most about being a PR pet?

F: I especially enjoy ‘dachshing’ around the office chasing Ruth, I’m always fighting with Wilbur as he loves the attention, you can never get him away from her!

W: Yes, I do like the attention Frank, I can’t deny it. The best thing about being a PR pet is that I get to see all the creative campaigns come to life, although I do miss a few of them as I really like sleeping. I’ve recently just had my appraisal and been told to contribute more – does she not know that a dog’s gotta’ sleep? A highlight of the day is when Rick takes us for walkies, although for some reason I get the impression he doesn’t enjoy it, strange.

 What’s your most embarrassing moment in the workplace?

F: One morning I got too excited after seeing that we’d secured national media coverage, one of our website projects had gone live and we’d just put the finishing touches to a music festival campaign that I had an accident on the floor! I just couldn’t help it.

W: Lies. You poo all the time.

 And finally, what’s your favourite song from the RMS Extended Play playlist?

W: Breakfast at Sniff-anys.

F: Don’t stop retrieving.

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