National Obesity Awareness Week is one item on the agenda for Whitehouse Consultancy’s Chris Rogers

My day

I’ve always been an early riser, a habit from commuting before I moved to London. But today it’s to go for a run to make sure I’m still in the office early for what will be a busy day, followed by breakfast and the morning news on TV.

7.30am: Once in the office, I always take an hour to go through the nationals while listening to the Today Programme. It’s time intensive, but I’ve lost count of the number of opportunities for clients over the years that come from spotting something in the morning’s papers.

9.00am: One of the most stimulating things about working for a public affairs/political communications agency is the variety of clients and topics to work on. This morning involves clients in the defence, health and education sectors. The priority is to alert journalists in the nationals to an adjournment debate taking place later in the day on the subject of pensions, which affects a defence client’s members.

We need to make sure attention is being paid to this debate so that a longstanding pensions inequality can be addressed. I also have a strategy to write with colleagues for one of our education clients and several calls from journalists wanting comment from our clients for whom we maintain a press office and advise on reputational management.

12.00noon: I typically spend a few minutes over lunch browsing the Evening Standard’s website (including the sports pages), along with the BBC and Sky News. The topic for the afternoon is a major campaign we’re organising for January – the biggest ever National Obesity Awareness Week.

2.00pm: I meet with a prospective supporter of the awareness week and, having briefed them on what we’re already doing, secured their interest in participating in and promoting the week. Once back in the office, the team and I go through the entries for a children’s healthy living competition we’ve organised as part of the National Obesity Awareness Week programme. We create a shortlist from the thousands of entries for our expert judging panel, who will determine the winners and runners-up later in the week.

4.30pm: The last job of the day is to draft a comment article for a client on the subject of NHS regulation. It is campaigning for its members to be properly regulated to ensure patient safety.

6.30pm: The working day is over and I head home, although I continue to check my emails during the evening. Having been for a run already I’m able to put my feet up, which this evening involves a couple of episodes of the US-remake of House of Cards, which I’m completely hooked on.

11.00pm: I make sure everything’s ready for the morning so as to not waste time tomorrow. A final check of the emails and it’s time to call it a night.

Chris Rogers, head of public relations, The Whitehouse Consultancy

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