A good pitch

Message from our Partner

Message from our Partner

We are very proud to be sponsoring PRmoment’s A Good Pitch, a fantastic one-stop-shop for everything you need if you’re entering into a pitch process, be you a PR and communications agency or an in-house team. Pitching can be a hugely rewarding process, but it can also be extremely challenging. Hopefully this guide makes your process that little bit easier.


How Oracle structures its PR pitch process

PRmoment recently caught up with Oracle’s VP PR and communications JAPAC and EMEA Chris Talago to get a view on how the pitch process works from the client side of things

PR pitch principles
The pitch process for organisations seeking to appoint PR and communications agencies is a rewarding experience which will help to boost an in-house team’s own communications power. But finding that perfect fit – the right chemistry, the right talent, shared culture and philosophy – is easier said than done says The PRCA's Matt Cartmell

A good pitch: The agency’s perspective
The pitch process: fundamentally flawed or a regular epicentre of adrenaline, innovation and ideas? 

The PRCA have produced the following guides (avaliable nelow in pdf form) which you may find helpful in the your pitch journey.


How to finding a PR agency: A best practice guide to agency search and selection
The client brief: A best practice guide to briefing communications agencies
Comms Strategy: A best practice guide to developing communication campaigns
Agency Renumeration: A best practice guide to how to pay agencies
Judging creative: A best practice guide to judging agency creative
Evaluation: A best practice guide to evaluating the effects of your campaigns

A Good Pitch is produced in partnership with

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