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A day in the life of a communications director in India, with Avantha Group’s Shravani Dang

Shravani Dang lives and works in New Delhi, a city of extreme temperatures, at this time of year it can be as cold as zero degrees centigrade, but in summer the temperature can be as high as 45 degrees with hot sandy winds from the Rajasthan desert. On the day Shravani writes, it is a comparatively mild nine degrees.

My day

6.45am: I wake up to the alarm; first I check my BlackBerry for messages and emails. I quickly scan Twitter for news while Coco and Dazzle, my dogs, pester me! A quick change and off for a 45 minute brisk walk.

7.40am: A hot cuppa, the dailies and a bowl of muesli then I shower and get ready.

8.35am: All ready for work, take a few calls and check my emails tp see if my driver is there. Often I drive myself the 23km journey while I listen to 1980s rock.

9.20am: Anther quick hot cuppa, some fruit and I read the business dailies and meet the team to decide who's doing what that day. Check my calendar, and get prepared for the meetings and tasks of the day.

10.00am: Navigate the web and check on our digital footprint. Then the morning is often taken up working with group-wide communications, giving approvals, some internal communications and external communications. I watch one of the business channels on TV, CNBC, Bloomberg, ET Now or NDTV Profit.

1.00pm: Eat lunch at my desk, usually a salad and veggies unless I meet with senior media personnel or influencers.

1.30pm: The afternoon means a few calls to the team globally and to my stakeholders, mostly strategic and some amount of execution and operations. Sometimes I may visit one of our offices where different businesses are headquartered to chat with the CEOs and leadership team. We have offices in 22 countries and in multiple locations in the city, this is because we have eight companies and six affiliated organizations including India’s premier private science and technology university, run by a trust and established over 50 years ago.

4.00pm: Look at the major and big-ticket items in my functional area – check on the status and who’s doing what, whether we need to fine-tune anything and if everything is going as planned and scheduled.

6.30pm: Wrap things up in the office. Takes me an hour to reach home, and another cup of tea. I relax with the family, we exchange on how the day was for each of us (my Mum, husband, son and daughter). Some messing around with the dogs and it’s dinner at about 8.30pm.

9.30pm: Check my BlackBerry for messages and emails, check Twitter and Facebook for both official and personal updates and messages. Play Angry Birds on my iPad for 20 minutes and then we watch the French television police drama series Spiral.

Shravani Dang is vice president and global group head of corp comms at Avantha Group

You can read an opinion piece by Shravani Dang about the problem of low fees in PR in India at our sister site PRmoment India.

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