Making premium coffee more accessible

Lindsell Marketing worked with LTT Vending to highlight the growing popularity with workers of getting premium coffee through vending facilities. The campaign aimed at making catering facilities purchasers more aware of the popularity of quality hot drinks, while containing the costs of providing them.


LTT Vending noted that during the height of the recent recession, the public’s hot-drink buying habits had undergone a major shift from spending in cafes towards choosing vending machines. The company wanted to demonstrate that quality vending products are now appreciated by a public that is used to a coffee culture. Target sectors ranged from education establishments to facilities management, and from leisure centres to call centres.


The campaign was based around the exciting news that LTT had recorded a 55 per cent increase in sales of premium coffee at the height of the recession. People feeling the pinch in call-centres, colleges and leisure centres opted to spend their hard-earned money on coffees that are of equally high quality as those sold on the high street, but are sold at a much lower price and within the organisation's own premises.

It was important to increase awareness of the company within its target markets, but also to raise the profile of quality coffee drinks available through vending facilities. This strategy directly supported the company’s sales and marketing efforts by showing that British palates, after lengthy education to the joys of quality coffee, have recognised that it can also be made available conveniently within the workplace.


News relevant to each industry, enriched with sector specific analysis, figures and LTT customer testimonials, was released. This gave the vending firm positive exposure in all its key target markets: catering, call centre, education and facilities management. Over 15 pieces of coverage were generated including features in Cost Sector Catering, London Lite and Executary News as well as national media such as The Times and The Guardian.

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