We believe PRmoment is the best place for you to get new ideas. Our content is interesting, insightful and provides you with quality ideas, access to interesting people and perhaps even a little PR happiness.
If you spend five minutes on PRmoment a week you can hear from some of PR's most thought-provoking people, read informative PR relevant research and we might even make you smile!
We get between 20-25,000 unique users a month which means that between one out of two and one out of three PR people in the UK read PRmoment each month.
Our articles are designed to be read in just over a minute because we know your time is precious. We do short, sharp, insightful content. The average length of time people spend on a page is one minute 18 seconds.
We believe we are Britain's most liked PR publication.
We run 5 paid-for conferences each year:
These are: PR Analytics, PR is Changing, Social in B2B and Brands as Storytellers. Take a look here at our forthcoming events.
We run the PRmoment Awards. Now in its twelfth year it is one of the UK’s largest and most prestigious PR awards scheme. Learn more about the PRmoment Awards here.
We also work with many of the UK’s leading PR agencies and PR service providers to help them connect with our readership through meaningful events that PRmoment produce for our in-house and agency readership. If you are an agency or PR service and would like to hear about how we might be able to help your business development portfolio, please email Ben Smith on bensmith @ prmoment.com.
In 2012 we launched our sister site PRmoment.in; which basically does exactly the same as PRmoment.com, just for the Indian public relations community.
Who is behind PRmoment.com?
Ben Smith is the founder of PRmoment. Ben started PRmoment in June 2009, bringing together his experience of the PR industry and his passion for publishing what people really want to read about. Ben has a deep knowledge of the PR market – having worked previously at PRWeek and on the consultancy side. He understands PR both from writing about it and actually doing it.
He is less interested in PR news, such as people movements and account wins. He is interested in deeper PR issues such as analytics, PR’s great talent shortage and the skills evolution of modern PR professionals.
Ben is a passionate supporter of the sector. He believes that the importance of public relations to the world’s organisations has never been so great, and that this importance will only increase. We are living in a golden age of PR: publishers have an almost insatiable appetite for content, PR people can help brands tell their stories and organisations have never been so concerned about trust. Ben hosts the incredibly popular PRmoment podcast that gets around 5,000 downloads a month.
Ben's LinkedIn profile is here.
Contact Ben: / bensmith@prmoment.com
Daney Parker is the editor of PRmoment. Daney has over 25 years' experience as a journalist. She is responsible for the majority of the content on the site. Daney has a passion for words, with experience as an agency copywriter and working in-house, but has spent the majority of her career as a B2B journalist.
Daney’s LinkedIn profile is here.
Contact Daney: / daneyparker@prmoment.com